The most effective pills for prostatitis

The initial stage of prostatitis is characterized by mild symptoms. The patient usually feels mild pain in the groin, perineum, or lower back. As the disease develops, the pain syndrome gradually increases and worsens.

pills for prostatitis

With the disease, acute spasmodic pains are observed, during which the urinary process is impaired and the urge becomes frequent and unjustified. If you experience any of these symptoms of prostatitis, consult a specialist as soon as possible. The urologist prescribes individual treatment for each patient, but this is usually based on taking medication.

Effective pills for prostatitis

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics are the doctor's number one choice for treating this disease. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed depending on the pathogens of the disease, which are determined by a special diagnostic procedure - bacterial culture. In severe pain syndromes, antibacterial drugs can be administered intravenously to the patient. The duration of antibiotic therapy is usually 4-6 weeks.

Alpha blockers

Formulations in this group are suitable for men with urinary tract disorders. Alpha-blockers relax the muscles of the prostate and bladder, making it easier to pass urine.

The duration of treatment with such drugs is at least six months. The course should be completed strictly by the end, even if the patient’s health has improved in the past.


This class of drugs makes life easier for many patients. However, their dosage should be clarified with your doctor.


Given that many men become deeply depressed due to violations of both their daily and sexual quality of life, their doctor may use sedatives during treatment. In this case, the urologist should carefully monitor the patient's mental condition. Valerian is mostly prescribed to men. In severe cases, men may need the help of an experienced psychotherapist.

Hormonal drugs

This group of medicines aims to reduce the levels of a male hormone, testosterone, which helps prostate tissue to grow. While taking these drugs, the man's general hormonal background stabilizes and the symptoms of prostatitis decrease.


These are groups of drugs that are based on natural herbs. The spectrum of action of these drugs is versatile and highly dependent on the doctor’s prescription. Phytopreparations are usually combined with the main treatment, which greatly facilitates the course of the disease, relieves acute symptoms and inflammation.


Taking vitamins is necessary to strengthen the body’s immune system, which suffers greatly from prostatitis. The chronic course of the disease greatly affects a person’s defense functions, so vitamins are taken along with the main drug therapy.

Medications at all stages of prostatitis

For acute bacterial infection

The cause of the disease in this form is bacteria belonging to the group Escherichia coli. Staphylococci, chlamydia, streptococci, and anaerobic bacteria are sometimes seen in prostate secretions. In this case, taking antibacterial drugs is a key moment in treating the disease. Drugs belonging to the group of fluoroquinols are usually prescribed. Patients at risk for genital bacteria should also be treated for chlamydia.

With chronic bacterial form

The effectiveness of antibiotic therapy in this form of prostatitis is significantly reduced. This is because many pills are unable to penetrate the prostate epithelium during inflammation. The chronic bacterial form of the disease is usually caused by the bacteria chlamydia, ureaplasma and mycoplasma. They usually heal within a few weeks.

Against non-bacterial form

Experts have found that signs of pain syndromes are relieved after taking antibiotics. Therefore, doctors prescribe antibacterial medications to patients, even if no infection was detected at the time of diagnosis.

If the disease is resistant to treatment, the patient is required to take alpha-blockers, which fight the main cause of non-bacterial prostatitis - the return of urine to the prostate ducts.